Whatever happened to…Eamon Goodfellow?


Today we catch up with Eamon Goodfellow.

Eamon and fellow comedian Anna Materowska brought their show ‘Humour Trafficking’ to the Free Fringe this year, with an 11 day run at Brewdog on Lothian Road. We hear from Eamon on the difficulties of marketing a free show, his future plans, and some sock advice for Fringe performers!

A. About Your Fringe 2018!

  1. In three words, how was the Edinburgh Fringe 2018 experience for you?

Eye-opening, Exhausting, (too) Short.

  1. What was your Fringe highlight?

A full-house on the wettest Sunday of the Fringe after standing flyering in the rain in Grassmarket for 2 hours.

  1. And your lowlight?

Black Wednesday – in the crowd was another act who handed an audience member a flyer for their show while I was performing, they even laughed at the flyer!!

  1. We are interested to know your thoughts on flyering. Is it still an effective strategy? Did other marketing tools such as social media or positive reviews succeed more in getting bums on seats for your show?

Flyering and rousing people from the pub we performed in were the most effective way of generating audiences and we had a great picture on the flyer that helped with that. We didn’t use the Fringe App due to the cost. Facebook and Twitter had minimal impact. We only ran for 11 performances so a review was probably unlikely.

  1. Tell us about your audiences this year? Was your typical audience member who you would have expected to come? Any surprise audience moments?

Our venue had a capacity of about 40 and we averaged 22 per performance which we were pretty happy with. There was a real spread of ages and nationalities including one really confused Finnish couple who I don’t think understood a word we said. Favourite moment was when I shared with the room that an audience member had had sex on film as part of an art project (her mate dropped her in it).

  1. What was the best show you saw at Fringe 18?

Jason Byrne.

  1. What tips do you have for first time performers at the Fringe?

Extra socks on wet days, flyer shows prior to yours that are similar to yours, don’t get disheartened.

  1. What was your relationship like with the reviewers / media and what could be improved?

Didn’t really have one, wasn’t sure how to get reviewers / media involved, maybe next year!

  1. How has the Fringe helped your career?

Now started a regular Sunday night show in The Lamb and Flag, Covent Garden (London). The Fringe really helped in giving me the confidence to do this.

B. A few questions to get to know you better…  

  1. When you are not performing how do you like to unwind?

Cricket, films and darts.

  1. What is your favourite tipple?


  1. Edinburgh is famous for its Harry Potter landmarks. Which Harry Potter character are you most like?

I’m like Harry Potter (when he has let himself go a bit, well Voldemort’s dead and Ginny’s lost interest in, you know, “hide the wand”).

  1. What is your pet peeve when performing? (e.g Mobiles, people taking photos..?)

Other performers talking at the back!

  1. Would you ever go on stage naked?

Done it!

  1. Where in Edinburgh is your favourite place to eat out, and where to dance the night away after?

Brewdog on Lothian Road.

C. What next?

16. What have you done since the Fringe and what is the next big thing in your calendar?  Regular Sunday gig Mc-ing Laughs at the Lamb as well as regular paid gigs. I have just played the Stand Glasgow and will be hosting Stuart Goldsmith and his Comedians Comedian podcast at a comedy night in Welwyn.

17. Will you be back to Edinburgh next year?  
