Russia in the spotlight


The Football World Cup starts tomorrow in Russia.

In celebration, we want to raise a glass of vodka, have a banya, eat some pelmyeni and peruse this year’s Fringe offerings from Mother Russia.

With 10 shows from 6 performing groups hitting the Fringe this year from Russia, there is something for everyone. So Lights camera action or ‘ свет, камера, мотор! ‘as they might say in Moscow!

(Some)Body – Alyona Ageeva Physical Theatre PosleSlov

Aug 3-11th – Zoo Charteris – £12

The total nudity of this show might come as a surprise to some, but not to those who have visited a Russian sauna! The show aims to define and explore nudity; does it express a vulnerability or is it a powerful tool of self-expression?  ”Life, death, pain and love – all of this complex and unspeakable physical phenomenon is what we are researching in (Some)Body” 

The company are also putting on another show at the Fringe called ‘Sky Labyrinths’.


The Contract – St Petersburg AA Bryantsev Youth Theatre 

Aug 20-25th – theSpace @Venue45 – £8

A Russian take on modern capitalism puts this play on our Festival hit list. This is the St Petersburg AA Bryantsev Youth Theatre’s interpretation of Mike Bartlett’s play – ‘Contractions’. This satire is a series of short interviews between the HR manager of a multinational company and a young woman working in the sales team. It aims to showcase ‘the importance of humanity versus faceless authority, and the necessity of frailty, emotion and above all, play.’ 


Oleg Denisov – Doublethink 

Aug 2-12th, 14th-26th – Just the Tonic at the Tron – £5

A top satirical stand-up from Moscow, Oleg takes a side-swipe at propaganda, information wars and democracy. This has the capacity to be ochen’ interesno (very interesting!) but the late night billing may deter some.



The Contract – St Petersburg AA Bryantsev Youth Theatre 

Aug 4-26th – Liquid Room/ Warehouse – ‘Besplatno’ (Free!)

This free cabaret show offers a belly-dancing compere and a 1 hour show of magic, variety, comedy, circus and ‘more’! We can only say ‘udachi i molodtsi’; all the best and good on yer!