Rain or Shine, Fringe is sublime


It is somewhat of a cliché to hear that ‘you will see all four seasons in Edinburgh in one day’ and that in Scotland there is ‘no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing’.

July was glorious weather in Scotland. We had to worry about sun cream, watering our lawns, and other sun related activities our cousins south of the border would normally engage in post June.

The weather this month has turned more ‘mixed’; dreich one moment, glorious sunshine the next.

Yesterday was no exception going from downpour one minute to blue skies twenty minutes later. But guess what? People kept handing out flyers, street musicians kept strumming their guitars and the Fringe Show kept on going!

Special mention to the Bristol Revunions team, who seem to be out every single hour of the day handing out flyers and engaging with the crowds. And even when the rain shower came yesterday they still had a smile on their faces handing out flyers!

Rain or shine, the show must go on!
And 10 minutes later, normal service resumed
Bristol RevUnions Team come rain…
or shine!