Commemorative Fringe tartan to celebrate 70th anniversary unveiled

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe unveiled its very own tartan to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Fringe this August.
The tartan, which was woven in Scotland by Ingles Buchan (Textiles) Ltd., was designed by Brian Wilton MBE, who is frequently referred to as Scotland’s ‘Tartan Ambassador’ and widely recognised as one of the world’s leading tartan designers.

Shona McCarthy, Chief Executive of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, said:

“I am delighted to present the Edinburgh Festival Fringe tartan in this special year for the Fringe

as we celebrate 70 years of defying the norm. This colourful and exciting

tartan represents our extraordinary festival and the special design reflects the bright, bold, creative spirit of the Fringe, the wonderful, historic city of Edinburgh and the eight theatre companies who ignited the Fringe flame back in 1947.”


A range of products featuring the unique tartan design, including scarves, ties, purses, wallets and luggage tags, is available to purchase in store from the edfringe shop. Fringe tartan ties