Meet the 2019 Performers – Remy Beasley (Do Our Best)


Flying the flag for Wales today is Remy Beasley, who talks to us about her new show ‘Do Our Best‘; a one-person play about ‘how to harness your grief, find your pack and never give up.’ Fans of ‘Stella’ might recognise Remy as ‘Beyonce Evans’, and more recently she played ‘Hari’ in Welsh comedy series ‘Tourist Trap’. For Edinburgh, she has teamed up with Fringe First Award winner Hannah Banister who directs ‘Do Our Best‘. Over to Remy to talk more on Girl Guides, searching for belonging, and finding your pack.

Can you introduce yourself and your show?

I’m Remy Beasley. I’m an actor and writer from South-East Wales, currently residing in Walthamstow, London.

I’ve written a one-person show called Do Our Best which follows Sephie, a 30 year old narcissist who’s recently found herself back in the sanctuary of the Girl Guides since her life spiralled out of control.

What is the top reason people should see the show? 

If you like laughing and crying, closely followed by singing, and dancing, then this is for you. That’s four sensational reasons.

What does a ‘successful Fringe run’ mean to you? 

As long as I’m not playing to 70 empty chairs every day I’ll be every inch the success. Also, if I get to the end of the run without losing my voice I think I’ll feel like I’ve won an Oscar.

Have you performed at the Fringe before? What is the worst rumour you have heard about performing at the Edinburgh Fringe?

Yes. I performed here as part of the Roundabout season with Paines Plough in 2016 and had the best time ever. Mega audiences, a great venue, 3 amazing plays, so am hoping this time is just as brilliant.  

The worst rumour I heard was that I’d be sleep deprived and living off Kebab Mahals and gin, which all turned out to be true and utterly fantastic.

Do Our Best is a search for belonging. Do you think a search for one’s tribe is an issue many people can relate to in 2019?

Belonging is such an important common experience between humans and I think that, especially in 2019, when our world feels fractious and less than stable that reconnecting with this idea that as individuals, we are not an island is ultimately the road to health and happiness. Community is everything. Finding your Tribe can be a life-line in testing times.

What key message do you hope comes across to your audiences?

That the most honourable way to remember someone is to carry on living fully and whole-heartedly with those around you.  And that the act of trying is courageous and vital.

Why does the quest for a tribe end with the Girl Guides?

The Girl Guides are the ultimate feminist organization as coined by their old CEO Julie Bentley. They encourage safe and supportive spaces for young girls to challenge themselves and grow in confidence and skill. There was something about the sanctuary of this safe space full of nurturing, maternal hands, that I found really heartening. In Do Our Best, without realising it Sephie is looking for a support system, and Brown Owl and the Girl Guides are a constant, steady force for good. 

Wales has not been terribly well represented at the Fringe in numbers of performers this year. Why do you think this is and will you be flying the flag for Wales in Edinburgh this summer?

There are a huge amount of exciting Welsh artists making work at the moment, some of which will be here at the festival and some not.  The majority of Welsh artists are from working class backgrounds and it costs tons of money to do a festival stretch, so I’m guessing partly monetary reasons for the lack of representation.  The incredible team at the London Welsh Centre in Kings Cross we’re so generous to us and let us rehearse there for next to nothing.  They have incredible spaces for making work in which was v. helpful. You’re relying on a lot of goodwill.

I’m always flying the flag for Wales, it’s the best country in the world, but obviously I’m biased.

I’ll be hanging out and having a gin with Welsh new writing pro’s Dirty Protest, who are up here with their show How to Be Brave by Sian Owen and all the other Welsh contingent whilst we’re slogging our guts out over the summer.

How are you promoting your show in the run up to the Fringe?

Relentless social media bombardment and if there’s time, we’ll do some London previews pre-August. Please follow my personal account @remylea for updates on the show.

Lastly do you want to tell us where and when we can see the show? 

Yes yes yes. You can see us 1st-25th August at the Iron Belly in Underbelly Cowgate. We’re playing basically everyday at 2.50pm.

Do Our Best will be performed daily at 14:50 from August 1st-11th and from August 13th-25th at the Underbelly, Cowgate (Iron belly/ Venue 61). Tickets available now from the Fringe Box Office.